SWEDISHKAYT Screening at Boca Raton Int'l Jewish Film Fest
1:00 PM13:00

SWEDISHKAYT Screening at Boca Raton Int'l Jewish Film Fest

Follow self-proclaimed "international Yiddish-ish icons” YidLife Crisis - the Canadian duo of Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman - as they explore Jewish Stockholm in their funny, touching and insightful new film, SWEDISHKAYT.

Via The Forward:
A fun exploration of the Swedish Jewish community, with an emphasis on the amazing status of Yiddish there

Tix/info: https://jfilmboca2025.eventive.org/schedule/6774130538a84fb491c2ab9e

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World Premiere of our new film SWEDISHKAYT at Miami Jewish Film Fest
to Jan 19

World Premiere of our new film SWEDISHKAYT at Miami Jewish Film Fest

  • Miami Jewish Film Fest (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on January 18 and 19 in Miami for the WORLD PREMIERE of our new film!

“Get ready to laugh and kvell with Swedishkayt: YidLife Crisis in Stockholm as self-proclaimed international Yiddish-ish icons YidLife Crisis—comedy duo Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman—bravely step onto Swedish soil to unearth a hidden treasure trove of Jewish culture. From the moment they arrive in Stockholm, our heroes, like gefilte fish out of water, prepare for a big live show while unraveling the little-known history of Sweden’s Jewish community in their hilarious and heartfelt journey.”

Featuring a special live performance by YidLife Crisis to bring some LIVE SHTIK to this World Premiere event! Following the screening, there will be a Q&A with Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman.

TICKETS/INFO: https://miamijewishfilmfestival.org/films/2025/yidlife-crisis

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Copenhagen, Denmark - YidLive!
6:30 PM18:30

Copenhagen, Denmark - YidLive!

The Crisis Comes to Copenhagen!

Join Jamie & Eli, the creators and stars of the award-winning Yiddish-ish web series YidLife Crisis - in the fleish! The boychiks from Montreal present an evening of comedy, film and music reflecting their unique take on the modern Jewish experience. In English. Appropriate for ages 18* - 118. 

(*OK, fine, anyone over Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

Tickets - https://jkfestival.dk/program-2024/boern-unge/yidlife-crisis.aspx

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Stockholm, Sweden - SOLD OUT!!
7:00 PM19:00

Stockholm, Sweden - SOLD OUT!!

It’s a Scandinaviyid Crisis!
Join Jamie & Eli, the creators and stars of the award-winning Yiddish-ish web series YidLife Crisis - in the fleish! The boychiks from Montreal present an evening of comedy, film and music reflecting their unique take on the modern Jewish experience. In English. Appropriate for ages 18* - 118. 

(*OK, fine, anyone over Bar/Bat Mitzvah)

Details and Ticket Link - HERE

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LIVE screening of CHEWDAISM @ Mile End Deli in Brooklyn!
8:00 PM20:00

LIVE screening of CHEWDAISM @ Mile End Deli in Brooklyn!

Famed Jewdies (Jewish foodies) YidLife Crisis (Jamie Elman & Eli Batalion) grace Mile-End Deli with their schmaltzy presence with a special showing of their award-winning film CHEWDAISM: A Taste of Jewish Montreal, all about the Jewish history of Montreal told the only way these boychiks know how - fress-capades. For this special event, Mile End Deli will be preparing a special one-time menu of Montreal’s Fress-entials to enjoy, including Montreal favourites Smoked Meat, Wilenskys, & more!

TICKETS: https://tinyurl.com/mr2kvnkb

This event was made possible through the ROI Community Grassroots Events program and FED, an inclusive platform for Jewish creativity: fedsocial.co

YidLife Crisis recognizes the support of ChaiFlicks, a collection from the best Jewish storytellers and creators in the world. www.Chaiflicks.com

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Boychiks in Berlin!
7:00 PM19:00

Boychiks in Berlin!

For the first time ever in Berlin, the boychiks from Montreal present an evening of comedy, film and music, which includes investigating the German capital with their special brand of chuzpe.

In cooperation with the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg and the Embassy of Canada to Germany.

Tickets/Info: https://www.jmberlin.de/en/boychiks-in-berlin

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Screenings & Appearances at Jewish Film Fest Berlin | Brandenburg
to Jun 17

Screenings & Appearances at Jewish Film Fest Berlin | Brandenburg

We’ll be in Berlin and Potsdam from June 13-17 presenting our films CHEWDAISM, NARISHKAYT, YINGL BELZ as well as a curated selection of Jewish Canadian films, and doing q&a’s and hanging out. Come watch a movie and say hi!

Info: https://jfbb.info/en/programm/filme/chewdaism-a-taste-of-jewish-montreal

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Purim at B'nai Jeshurun in NYC
7:00 PM19:00

Purim at B'nai Jeshurun in NYC

It’s SHUSHAN NIGHT LIVE and WE are the Guest Hosts!

Put on your favorite costume or your perfect mask, hear the megillah, and join us for a Purim celebration like no other! Join us for Shushan Night Live, featuring Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman from the comedy duo, Yidlife Crisis, with musical parody performances from the BJ Community!


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YidLife Crisis presents "YidLive"- YI Love YiddishFest '22 BOCA RATON
7:00 PM19:00

YidLife Crisis presents "YidLive"- YI Love YiddishFest '22 BOCA RATON

Jamie & Eli, the creators of YidLife Crisis are coming to YOU for an evening of comedy, music and thought-provoking shtick. The boychiks from Montreal present their unique take on the modern Jewish experience in a hilarious (G-d willing) multimedia presentation, including video and live music. No need to be Jewish nor knowledge of Yiddish required. Sense of humor requested. Appropriate for ages 18* - 118 (*OK, fine, anyone over Bar/Bat Mitzvah)


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YidLife Crisis presents "YidLive"- YI Love YiddishFest '22 MIAMI BEACH
7:00 PM19:00

YidLife Crisis presents "YidLive"- YI Love YiddishFest '22 MIAMI BEACH

Jamie & Eli, the creators of YidLife Crisis are coming to YOU for an evening of comedy, music and thought-provoking shtick. The boychiks from Montreal present their unique take on the modern Jewish experience in a hilarious (G-d willing) multimedia presentation, including video and live music. No need to be Jewish nor knowledge of Yiddish required. Sense of humor requested. Appropriate for ages 18* - 118 (*OK, fine, anyone over Bar/Bat Mitzvah)


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FRENCH World Premiere at Rendezvous Quebec Cinema Fest!
8:00 PM20:00

FRENCH World Premiere at Rendezvous Quebec Cinema Fest!

[English follows below]
Après des années à divertir et à parcourir le monde en tant que porte-paroles juifs montréalais autoproclamés, YidLife Crisis (Jamie Elman et Eli Batalion) présentent la première
francophone tant attendue de leur série web de trois saisons dans le cadre d'une présentation très spéciale aux Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma.
Au programme : une projection sélective, de la musique en direct par YidLife et SoCalled, et surtout, de la bouffe ! Tout cela fait partie du prix d'entrée.

Cet événement a été rendu possible grâce au programme ROI Community Grassroots Events.
YidLife Crisis reconnaît le soutien de la Fondation de la famille Brian Bronfman et du Réseau pour la paix et l'harmonie sociale


Self-proclaimed Montreal “smokespeople” and “young” connoisseurs of the Yiddish language Eli Batalion and Jamie Elman present the French-language premiere of their 4-time Canadian Screen Award nominated web series YidLife Crisis at the prestigious Rendezvous Québec Cinéma.

The evening will include a Q&A with the creators and their team, as well as a musical performance from Socalled (Josh Dolgin), Montreal-based musician and touring multi-talent whose music - and acting - appears in the web series.

***Post-show Jewish "nosh-ables" are included in the price of admission!***

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NYC Premiere of "CHEWDAISM" -  presented by YIVO
7:00 PM19:00

NYC Premiere of "CHEWDAISM" - presented by YIVO

We’re looking forward to screening our award-winning, mouth-watering Jewdie (Jewish-Foodie) documentary “CHEWDAISM: A Taste of Jewish Montreal” at the Centre For Jewish History in NYC. Followed by a Q & A and Montreal Babka.

Presented by YIVO. In Partnership with The Consulate General of Canada in New York.

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PANDEMISH - ONLINE ONLY!  Jan. 27-31, 2022
to Jan 31

PANDEMISH - ONLINE ONLY! Jan. 27-31, 2022

  • Segal Centre for Performing Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jan 27, 2022 - Jan 31, 2022 | Online
Created and performed by Jamie Elman & Eli Batalion

Virtual event!

YidLife Crisis at the Segal Centre? It’s bashert!

UPDATE: Due to current government guidelines, this production of "YidLife Crisis: Pandemish" will no longer be performed live, but will be recorded and available for online viewing. All ticket buyers will be contacted by email with details. If you have any questions, you can always contact our team at 514-739-7944 or at boxoffice@segalcentre.org.

After years of making you laugh on various platforms, Chaimie and Leizer are coming to you from the main Segal stage! Overflowing with their signature thought-provoking shtick and heimish kibitzing, co-creators Jamie Elman & Eli Batalion are making their Segal theatre subscription debut with comedy, music, video, and more surprises in a love letter to their hometown and community.

No need to leave your house! A recorded version of this performance will be available for a viewing period from Thursday, January 27, 7 p.m., to Monday, January 31, at 11:59 p.m., to watch from the comfort of your house. Watch it once, twice, or on a loop during those 5 days - hey, we won't judge, we'll probably be doing the same thing!

Single tickets: $18
Household tickets: $36
(On sale until January 31, 5 p.m.)

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2:00 PM14:00


Nu, vilst redn a bisele yidish? An event for Yiddish enthusiasts the world over, the YIVO Yiddish club is an informal monthly gathering to celebrate mame-loshn. Hosted by Shane Baker, sessions take place in English, and are liberally peppered with Yiddish. Each month Baker is joined by a different guest who discusses their work and a related Yiddish cultural theme. In the spirit of a club, sessions are held as interactive zoom meetings in which participants can see and hear one another. Each session includes ample time for audience questions, group discussion, and, time permitting, knock-down, drag-out arguments. Attendees need not know any Yiddish to attend, though some familiarity with the language is highly recommended.

This session features co-stars of the Yiddish-language comedy web series YidLife CrisisEli Batalion and Jamie Elman. Paying homage to the yiddishkayt of their upbringing, YidLife Crisis is a love letter about modern Jewish identity and has been viewed almost 4 million times.

FREE! Registration: https://yivo.org/YiddishClub7

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Denver, CO - LIVE Q&A w/Chaimie & Leizer
11:00 AM11:00

Denver, CO - LIVE Q&A w/Chaimie & Leizer

  • Staenberg - Loup Jewish Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join DJFF, the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver, and Jamie and Eli of YidLife Crisis – of the eponymous Yiddish web series and filmmakers behind CHEWDAISM: A TASTE OF JEWISH MONTREAL – for a “live” Q&A! “BYO-Bagel” encouraged.


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Denver, CO - A Taste of YidLife Crisis
to Feb 17

Denver, CO - A Taste of YidLife Crisis

A Taste of YidLife Crisis (free program)
Sponsored by Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver

YidLife Crisis is a hilariously irreverent Yiddish web comedy series. This featurette of webisodes, curated especially for our Denver Jewish Film Festival audience, highlights a handful of our favorite eps, each introduced by the guys behind YidLife Crisis!


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